Why All The ‘Nuclear War’ Pish Posh?

Weapons Invented in the 40s are ancient history with cobb webs to boot.

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Ya why don’t they just threaten us with a Cannon ball or arrow head tomahawks?  The 1945 nukes are both exaggerated and are an ancient prospect for any real time battle.  EMF DEW directed energy weapons are both stealth/invisible and modern tech.

The media lies like HELL.  But what is their reasoning behind resurrecting the old cold war 1970s Nuke threats?  Perhaps its just fear mongering.  Or maybe its predictive programming.  Maybe there’s more to it.

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The Holy Quintet (5)

Mother Daughter Father Son Holy Spirit

Perhaps the elite thought we slaves don’t deserve to know about God so they tell us He doesn’t exist.  And for those who do seek God they say half of the divine quintet is evil.  They teach that the Mother God is blasphemy.

The circle encases and protects the family.  It is the Holy Spirit.  Father is the line top to center, The Holy Sacred God Head.  Mother is the foundation middle to bottom The God foundation.  Side to side the Son & Daughter growing outward.  The circle is The Holy Spirit.  The four points are the Son, Daughter, Father, Mother.  I could be wrong, as always but I don’t think so.

God made mankind in His image.  The family of four spiritual nexus.  Why would daughter and Mother be excluded from the God Head?

Are women evil?  So too are men.  In Jesus all are made clean from their sins.  Empathy is the tune of Love.  Women are naturally more empathic than men, usually.

There is more to the Mother God than meets the eyes.

The Quintet is a Circle with an X or Cross inside.  Four points of the God head are Mother, Daughter, Son, Father.  The circle is The Holy Spirit.

They lied.  This Truth is revealed to me by (I believe) The Holy Spirit.  An all inclusive God who does not demean woman or daughters by exclusion of the spirit type.

True-Evil is as evil DOES.  False not- evil is as those in charge say it is weather good or bad, no matter.  Pish posh to their fake evil says the daughter/mother spirit.