666 Explained. What is the Mark of the Beast?


18   “Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666”

Its saying right here that 666 is the number of men/man, all men, mankind.  So then lets call it 66.6%.  What happens when a man receives the baptism of The Sacred Holy Spirit?  We get the other 33.3% and become whole.  All people are born as 666.  If they seek God diligently with desperation and fervor they will seek out the Holy Spirit baptism and receive wholeness.

Man is 33.3% Soul.  33.3% Body & 33.3% Spirit of God.

“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding compute the number of the beast 666.   For 666 is the number of a mankind.  (used to say “number of a man” & also said “man”  word “antichrist” and “false prophet” are being scrubbed from all bibles.) and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”  Well “666” is gone from KJVB.

Gates of Hell (B. Gates) is the antichrist who pushed the shot and represents those who promote genocide.  Who put gate of hell in power?  The false prophet of course.  Who is the F.P?  Buffet.   War On Buffet.  He literally gave gates of hell foundation ALL his money.  How does a trillionaire give away every penny and still have more money than anyone on Earth?  They have their ways.  But it’s public knows.  And War on Buffet does predictions and has for years on end.  He is the False prophet because of his inside info to trading.  Its that simple.  Christians will never see this because they are looking for men to demand worship and wear a sign on their shirt “Antichrist Here”.

The preachers have painted a picture in the christians that has caused preconceived notions of what the A.C. & F.P. are that will NEVER come to pass like Hollywood portrays

Granted ALL people born human are 66.6% and have the opportunity to seek God with diligence.

So the conclusion?  Those with the mark of the beast are those who never received The Holy Spirit of God.  All people born human have the divine presence of God in them.  It is the Spirit part of man automatically bestowed upon all human beings.  His Creation is humans with the Divine Presence.

The Divine Presence of God is not the same as The Holy Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit is given for to believers for a reason.

Those who took the shot pushed by Gates of Hell will lose their blessed Divine Presence of God from their now GMO body.   It takes years to happen and less than 3 years with the Pie Zar.    A.Zen makes monkeys out of men.  And the rest of the brands inject other animals into the nanocircuitry of the once human body.


Eating GMO food is bad but it won’t turn you into a GMO human.  Primarily what they do is make the plant chemical resistant so they can douse it in poison and it doesn’t die.  But it will kill those who eat it by Cancer.

The shot will and is creating GMO Humans.  Those who lose the Divine presence of God are ungrounded and appear to us as being shaky and empty.  Its akin to going on a cocaine bender if you know what the crash feels like.  Thats how it feels to lose the Divine presence of God.  Like a never ending crash.  This would affect those with the Holy Spirit FAR WORSE than it would effect those who are not attuned to God in them.  They have an empty place in them.  Likely it will open demonic doors if they engage in certain acts of sin.  Sin opens demonic doors.  Deliverance is then needed.

God showed me what it would feel like and it was horrible.  A white train ran through me and took for a time (30 minutes) my Divine Presence.  I got to feel it first hand.  Why?  In 2018 I asked God how I would know the mark of the beast.  He immediately spoke in an audible voice (never before heard).  He said “Zebra”.

It ended up that Zebra tech kept the Pie zar back scene cold by their special packaging for distribution of the Piezar back scene in the end of 2020.  That was the brand most affective for blocking out Spirituality from the human body.  Repent if you took it.  See this YT preacher for repentance info from taking the back scene.  He calls it the “vexation”.

Christians on YT think the Holy Spirit is given to condemn them, they call it “convict”.  As if mankind has no conscience until he receives the Holy Spirit.  Ridiculous.  The conscience is the guilt and remorse giver.    The guilt prompts us to change for the better.   That is not the job of The Holy Spirit.  Jesus came NOT into the world to condemn the mankind, but rather that mankind can be saved from the clutches of death and hell.  Jesus Loves.

Love covers a MULTITUDE of sin.  LOVE!  YT Christians preach blood and Grace.  Yet its Faith, Love, and Hope that are the greatest eternal spiritual gifts given unto mankind.  Hope & Faith should be put in the right place.  Love is kindness toward others, an action.

The Holy Spirit is given to believers for spiritual gifts.  Gifts to use among other believers.  Such as Tongues (higher language for intercessory prayer straight from God.   A very powerful gift that is trashed by propaganda.

Why?  Because of its power.  They (the evil ones) fear greatly the gift of tongues in believers.  Why?  Because of the insight to prayer that’s wielded.  And the battle prayers which commence.   Supernatural gifts continue as miracles, healing, gifts of prophecy, and wisdom.  Gifts of knowledge and edification, encouragement, and sight, insight.

And now that the end of days is here. The spiritual gifts have shifted.  The talents are already redistributed due to misuse or stagnation of gifts.

Now those who had and used, have more.  Those who wholly neglected their gifts have lost them.

Now it is a gift to see what is upon the foreheads of mankind.  The mark of the beast.  Also if you look you will likely notice that whatever the person puts ahead of God Himself will be on their forehead.  Manifest in a gift akin to reading abstract shapes.  As if it was a book.  Its that simple.  Its something like reading tea leaves.  Look at the foreheads of mankind.  There are all kinds of new shapes and fallen angel wings, with goats, or horns, or pictures of their wife’s ass or someone elses ass/sex/body parts and so forth.

Yes its a strange thing to see what people value above God.  The intercessors are released from intercession at this point.  Why?  Because the separation of Sheep from Goats is DONE.  No more wailing on the floor for souls who are lost.  Now we are simply waiting for Jesus to fully manifest in whatever way that will be…likely powerfully in His children.

Keep in mind, often men do not know what they put first.  Men are in denial.  Most often they do not know their own hearts.  Especially Christians who are guilted into a thick cloud of denial by the bias that they are supposed to be perfect somehow.

What else are we seeing on men’s foreheads?  Hmm, good question.  Many have an explosion on the forehead. This will manifest in real life.  There is some kind of explosion coming but we do not know if its real or if they will be deceived on the Image of the Beast.

Most YT Christians believe everything the Image of the Beast shows them hook line and sinker.  While claiming they are fully awake they get all their prophecy fulfillments off the Image of the Beast.  How ironic.

“A greedy and adulterous generation seek a sign but no sign will be given to them except the sign of Jonah.”  Meaning, like Jonah they too are Watchmen on the Wall.  Blind guides.  They see one thing…”end of days”.  Well we say at least they see that.  We are grateful for them in spite of their compromised condition.  They are infested with the Locust that vails their eyes.  They are under the strong delusion and cannot see the supernatural signs and wonders all around us in real time.

Bad boys bad boys, what you gonna do?

“Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.”

Why?  Because the Locust from the pit is eating their face around their eyes.  Though invisible the Locust manifests physically.    When it came back in 2018 or so the wings of the abomination could be heard.  The flapping wings alerted the 144,000 of its arrival.  Then the Locust uses suction to attach and parasite to the face.   Inside the face it goes.  It attached to the forehead mark of the beast.  Now it tells the victim lies and begins consuming around the eyes.  YES ITS VIAL AND HORRIBLE but apparently painless to those who have consummated with it.

Mark was there so the winged rat landed with the Locust from the pit.

The Demon Apollyon holds the Locust demon.  He sends it out to vail the minds of the many.  By God’s Grace, Love, and Mercy we have avoided its creed.

The few are not in the same reality bubble as the many Christians.  The wing of abomination is growing in the hair perched.  Its also invisible.  Most people cannot see the flying rat or its cargo the Locust.

What’s the scorpion sting?  You know what it is.  Is it not obvious?  Of course it is.  Stave is what they call it.


The 144,000 know the Locust because they destroyed it when it landed on them in the night.  The Locust from the pit is something most Christians will not talk about.  Why?  They are not seers they have no clue.  Plus most of them already consummated with it.

Apparently they were not protected by the armor of God.  The belt of Truth is vital to the rest of the armor.  Perfection of humans is not an option.  But Truth is.


To the Corporate gods of Earth————No More, No More

No More No More Shall thee rule over the seas

No more no more shall ye rule over the skies.

No more no more shall ye rule God’s children.

No more shall ye tell picture stories of lies called education.

Your image of the beast is on its way out.  All devices FAIL.  ALL.

Read your prophesies tyrant.  They apply to you now.  And the tyrants face was red.   The tyrants face was red as he read as he read.

Hide and watch hide and watch tether and swatch hide and watch.

No more shall those who force farmers to poison mankind’s food rule and call for toxic farms as criteria of survival.   No more, no more.

“You know of what and whom I write”.  Let the reader understand. Let the rulers understand.  God is One.  God is One.  The gods are His to rule alone.

And they’re pissed.

Continue reading “To the Corporate gods of Earth————No More, No More”

The Mark of The Beast Revealed

The Dark Knight of The Soul Stepped Onto Earth,
Yet the servants of God slept on.

“Sleep on little children, sleep on..” reads the verse in the new desecrated books of the fallen.     How is it Jesus no longer urges the apostles to “wake up, can you not pray with me for a time?”

God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.

New Prophecies Revealed. Tower of Babel. Covenant With Many.

Electromagnetic Plasma Change Over Event

Return in 2024 Around April 8

Important Updates to this topic 2024.

What I saw when looking with my back to the sun in the outer reflection of my sun glasses holding & pointing glasses behind me.

If the human has not sought out his/her Creator and searched for the meaning of life yet let me give the human the answers I my God gave me.  There is only one reason for humanity on Earth.  We must all choose our eternal homes.  All must choose.  Whether consciously or subconsciously we all make our choice of eternities home.  How??

By our choices and actions toward others.  By our efforts in finding our Creator & attaining our plan of Salvation’s Hope.  And by our words.  The links below will tell the human which one they are at present.  All Lions were once goats & wolves.  We do not know if there is time to change identities.  Time is late.

Goats, Wolves, Serpents.

Sheep, Lambs, Lions

An electrical arc is an electrical malfunction that happens when wires and systems can’t handle the amount of electro-current going through its system of lines.  The Sun’s Arc of God will occur in the new White Sun causing great disaster.  A solar panel can ark if you unplug it from batteries in full sun causing a burst of violet coronal discharge. (more explanation on corona discharge below)

Most people already hear a steady electrical buzz in the airwaves constantly.  People think they have some ear ring illness.  Ya one that everyone got at around the same time.  Our atmosphere has changed and is electrified.

Revelation from Jazweeh. 

Jesus will NOT take unto Himself a flesh and blood body again.

“Not all shall sleep in the end of days, but we shall ALL be changed in twinkling of the eye at the last trump.”

The Ark of God represents a covenant that God would protect His children during the exodus from Egypt and during battle.  The Ark of God went before the Israelites in battle and by it they were victorious. (unfortunately the story is desecrated.)

A prophecy. Jazweeh predicts by vision, that the White Sun will ARK and that it shall happen soon.    And she suspects that by the Ark event, the children of God shall be transformed.  Then their placement upon the New Earth in victory over the Beast and its system will be final.  The 144 will defeat the Beast system.  Some will go home to Heaven.  Others will seed the New Earth.

All devices will be annihilated.  The children of God will see the Arc of the Son and it will be for them a transforming Light of Life.   Their purification has prepared them for the event.   Others will see the Ark of God as a nuclear blast and it will be very bad for them. One event becomes two events.  The many will see the Nuke blast so they will finally seek God in desperation and Truth.

Continue reading “Electromagnetic Plasma Change Over Event”

The Restrainer of Evil Has Left The Sheep.

And soon the Lions of Judah the intercessors shall also exit Earth.  The Holy Spirit will leave with them. Then the Earth will see evil like never before.

Would you like Good News or Bad News?

Syringe-Buildings on Display in a city near you.

What I am about to write is Truth as far as I can find it in real time and in scholarly articles of scientific researchers online.  I want to cover once again the chots that the whole world consumed.  The whole world less a few rebellious free thinkers whom do in no way trust Uncle Samiel.

Continue reading “The Restrainer of Evil Has Left The Sheep.”

Why All The ‘Nuclear War’ Pish Posh?

Weapons Invented in the 40s are ancient history with cobb webs to boot.

Similar article.


Ya why don’t they just threaten us with a Cannon ball or arrow head tomahawks?  The 1945 nukes are both exaggerated and are an ancient prospect for any real time battle.  EMF DEW directed energy weapons are both stealth/invisible and modern tech.

The media lies like HELL.  But what is their reasoning behind resurrecting the old cold war 1970s Nuke threats?  Perhaps its just fear mongering.  Or maybe its predictive programming.  Maybe there’s more to it.

Continue reading “Why All The ‘Nuclear War’ Pish Posh?”

Can The Living be Set Free From the Crossroads Curse?

The Legend of The Crossroads

It’s Time.  The New Sun is here.  The Crossroads Minstrel prophecy of deliverance is full.    Is it too late?   Are they institutionalized by the six spirits of the night?  Perhaps like Shawshank “Brooks was here” they shall dearly miss their night terrors once set free.   No, I think not.

Written by Laura E.   Info by Jazweeh the Seer. .

To the rich and famous bound by the Crossroads curse.

 The Scribe writes all she knows on the matter of the crossroads.  It is revealed below.  All the seer sees is freely shared here.  The next step is for those who are being delivered to take action to also save their souls.  By gifts of Faith by Hope, Love..  The three eternal spiritual gifts.  Use them.  

Continue reading “Can The Living be Set Free From the Crossroads Curse?”

The Creators Templates of Retrocausality

What Is Coming?  By words God Created the Earth.  And by words shall He bring Earth to its knees.

SALVATION 101, SALVATION FOR DUMMIES (you are no dummy Its an Idiom)

A Lady by the name on her YouTube channel ‘Vanessa VA’ coined this phrase “retrocausality”.   Though her overuse of the word “consciousness” in her videos annoys the hell out of me I have still subscribed & unsubscribed to her channel many times.  JeffSnyder2 is a fond advocate for her videos.

Blue Kachina And Red Kachina prophesied by the Hopi can be seen in the sky with wings with binoculars to some.

The Blue Kachina is The Phoenix Bird


End of Days Prophecy Straight from an Angel of God

Retrocausality by definition occurs when–

Continue reading “The Creators Templates of Retrocausality”

Wormwood Has Revealed Itself. The New Mother Nature is Coming!

Article donated to theatreofthegods.com by https://MikefromaroundtheWorld.com

Attention-3 articles in one.  The Truth Shall Set You Free.  And Wormwood Water.  The New Earth.  And a link to the Red Tide prerequisite in depth article.

The Lion has left Isaiah 11:6 & all the books to the Wolf. The wolf lies with the lamb. The lambs one and all made their choices of eternal home. And soon also shall the Lions the army of God leave Earth to the lambs. “Men shall draw fire unto themselves”.   proclaims the glorious angel of God.

Romanticizing GMO humans Rat tail.

Continue reading “Wormwood Has Revealed Itself. The New Mother Nature is Coming!”