The Restrainer of Evil Has Left The Sheep.

And soon the Lions of Judah the intercessors shall also exit Earth.  The Holy Spirit will leave with them. Then the Earth will see evil like never before.

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Syringe-Buildings on Display in a city near you.

What I am about to write is Truth as far as I can find it in real time and in scholarly articles of scientific researchers online.  I want to cover once again the chots that the whole world consumed.  The whole world less a few rebellious free thinkers whom do in no way trust Uncle Samiel.

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Why The Vaccine Can’t Be The Dreaded Mark of The Beast

Most Christians Proclaim, “The Jab Cannot Be the Mark of The Beast.”

Article by Sarcastic Janey.

The man I have lived with for over 15 years said he did not take the jab.  Why can’t I feel his Spirit?   I have a long history of being able to feel the spirit of all people.    I thought everyone could.  I was wrong.  It’s as if now he is a ghost.  He can walk right up on me from behind and I DO NOT SENSE HIM.

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